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BiblioTech Policies

Mission Statement and Goals

Provide all Bexar County residents technology access to enhance education and literacy, promote reading as recreation, and equip all members of our community with necessary tools to thrive as citizens of the digital age.

BiblioTech Core Values


Providing patrons a safe experience and environment in our branches and online. 


Building trust by ensuring all patron information is secure and protected and all disseminated information is truthful and accurate. 


Continuing to adapt to the everchanging digital landscape and the needs of our community. 


Connecting our patrons to community, information and the world. 


Empowering patrons in digital literacy for a stronger community. 


Respectfully serving our patrons with open hearts and open minds. 

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Collection Development Policy

Collection Development Policy

The Collection Development Policy is set in place to provide BiblioTech staff with the goals and methodology of materials selection and maintenance so that they can acquire a useful, well-rounded collection of ebooks, audiobooks, periodicals, learning platforms and other materials to meet the needs of Bexar County. The primary goal of this policy, however, is to present an official statement of BiblioTech’s commitment to a collection that strives to meet the needs of the public it serves. The policy explains to the public the basis upon which materials are selected and maintained, and helps answer questions regarding the presence or absence of certain materials.

Intellectual Freedom

BiblioTech firmly adheres to the Library Bill of Rights, which is adopted and amended by the American Library Association (ALA). The Bill of Rights states: “The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.” Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas. A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views. Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.

Selection of Library Materials

Professional librarians and staff with particular expertise in a subject area or a language other than English are responsible for selecting materials for inclusion into the Library’s collection. This includes materials for patrons of all ages and backgrounds. The selection of library materials will be made based on the following criteria:

  • Accuracy and efficiency
  • Champions continuing education
  • Delineation of diverse and/or opposing viewpoints
  • Enhances job-related skills
  • Included in bestseller lists, published bibliographies, or review publications
  • Inclusion of authors of all backgrounds, creed, sexual orientation, race and religion
  • Licensing consideration and/or expiration
  • Meets content budget requirements
  • Original and unabridged
  • Patron interest
  • Positive reviews
  • Provides self-help information
  • Relation to existing collection
  • Relevance to community needs
  • Relevance to current affairs and/or social issues that can educate
  • Relevance to local history or historical trends
  • Reputation of authors, publishers, producers or creators
  • Supports recreational interests and reflects the cultural, historical and civic interests of the community

Collection Maintenance

The decisions based on which materials will be retained and those that will not be are made by librarians or trained library staff and are based on the awareness of the evolving needs and diverse interest of the community. Materials may be deemed unnecessary if they prove to be outdated, misleading, or irrelevant. Materials may also be withdrawn from the current collection for not meeting the criteria listed above. This holds especially true for materials that are being considered for repurchase once their original license has expired. BiblioTech reserves the right to maintain copies of standard and important works but does not automatically replace all materials that have either exhausted their licenses or no longer fit the scope of this Collection Development Policy. BiblioTech librarians and trained library staff stay up-to-date and engage in continual collection evaluation to ensure the collection remains current and relevant at all times.

Evaluation of Library Materials

BiblioTech’s singular duty is to reflect within its collection differing points of view on controversial or debatable subjects. BiblioTech does not advocate particular beliefs or views. Furthermore, the selection of particular items does not express or imply an endorsement of the author’s viewpoint. Library materials will not be marked or identified in any way to show approval or disapproval of its contents, and items will not be sequestered. Comments and queries by community members concerning BiblioTech’s collection are welcomed by librarians and trained library staff. Feedback from the community provides staff with helpful information about the interests or needs that may not be adequately met by the collection. BiblioTech welcomes expression of opinion by community members and stakeholders, but will be governed by this Collection Development Policy in making additions to or deleting items from the collection.

Internet and Computer Use Policies

Internet and Computer Use Policies

BiblioTech provides internet access as a means to enhance the information and learning opportunities for the citizens of Bexar County. BiblioTech has established this policy to ensure appropriate and effective use of BiblioTech resources. BiblioTech policies, including the code of conduct, public computer use policies and internet policies apply to guest users as well as library card holders. Users should be aware that the inappropriate use of electronic information resources can be a violation of local, state, and federal laws and can lead to prosecution. The user will be held responsible for his/her actions using the Internet. Users are expected to abide by the policies below, which include generally accepted rules of network etiquette. The BiblioTech internet has a web filtering system to block access to sites that may be deemed inappropriate in a public location. Users will be able to accept or deny compliance with this policy upon opening a web browser on either a library device or their personal computer when connecting to BiblioTech wireless. If the patron does not accept, he/she will be prohibited from using the internet services at BiblioTech. Users may still have access to the offline applications on the public computers, ex: Microsoft Word, if they have agreed to the Computer Use Policy which appears when logging onto a BiblioTech device. All library resources are property of Bexar County unless otherwise indicated.


The term “computers” may refer to, and includes, hardware and associated peripheral equipment such as tablets, laptops, eReaders, desktops, printers, scanners, zip drives or any other equipment that may be attached to a computer or to the network.

Children Under 16

Access to the Internet is available to all patrons; however, this service may be restricted at any time for use not consistent with BiblioTech guidelines. Parents of children under 16 years of age assume responsibility for their children's use of the library's Internet service by signing their child's library membership registration.


Users access the library computer hardware, software and documentation at their own risk. BiblioTech is not responsible for equipment malfunction, loss of data, any damages to the user's disks, data etc. or electronic transactions of any type which are related to the public use of library computer resources. BiblioTech is also not to be held responsible for personal items lost or stolen in the library or outside of the library space. This includes items owned by the patron or currently being leased by the patron from BiblioTech. For this reason, we ask that you keep within sight of your personal belongings as well as library devices after they have been checked-out in your name.

Public Use Machines & Devices

Time Limit for Desktop, Tablet, and Laptop Use

All devices that are available for in-library use, including desktops, tablets, and laptops, are available to library card users for 60 minutes per session.


Upon log-in, users will be asked to read and accept the computer use policy. Prior to accessing the internet (either via a wireless connection or through BiblioTech computers), users will be asked to read and accept the internet use policy. Access to either the public computers or the internet will be denied unless the rules and regulations stated in the policies are accepted. All users must sign-in electronically before using a public computer. This will either place the user on a waiting/reserve list or allow them to begin their computer session. Some computers may not be available for public use if otherwise reserved for use by a BiblioTech class. At the end of the initial 60 minute session, public computer users will be able to submit their name to an electronic waiting list. If there are no other users on the waiting list, after signing-in, users will be allowed access for an additional 60 minutes.

Laptops & Tablets

Laptops and tablets are available for in-library use. Upon log-in, users will be asked to read and accept the computer use policy. Prior to accessing the internet, users will be asked to read and accept the internet use policy. Access to either the device or the internet will be denied unless the rules and regulations stated in the policies are accepted. Tablet or laptop users may be able to renew their session for an additional 60 minutes or add their names to a device check-out waiting list at the circulation desk. There is no limit to the number of sessions a user may have during hours of operation. The public computers will automatically shut down 5 minutes prior to the closing of the BiblioTech, even if time is left on a patron’s computer session. Patrons will see a pop-up notification on their computer screen 10 minutes prior to shut down (15 minutes before the building closes). The laptops and tablets should be returned 5 minutes prior to closing.

Wireless Internet

Internet access is available to non-members through two ways: Wireless internet access is available to those that have their own electronic devices. Guest access is available on the public desktops for up to 30 minutes. Guests can receive login information at the circulation desk. Prior to accessing the internet, those using the wireless internet will be automatically asked to read and accept the internet use policy. Access to the wireless internet will be denied unless the rules and regulations stated in the policies are accepted.

Rules and Responsibilities for the Public

Use of BiblioTech's equipment for the transmission, dissemination, and/or duplication of information must comply with federal and state laws. BiblioTech expects all users to comply with such laws, including but not limited to those related to copyright, computer hacking, and child pornography.

Computer users will also refrain from any activity that unreasonably interferes with BiblioTech patron/staff comfort, safety, use or quiet and peaceful enjoyment of the library, including but not limited to:

  • Display of sexually explicit or pornographic materials;
  • Harassment of other users or violation of their privacy;
  • Libeling, slandering or maliciously offending other users;
  • Violation of copyright laws or software licensing agreements;
  • Attempting to crash, degrade performance or gain unauthorized access to BiblioTech's or to other computer systems and networks;
  • Damaging equipment, software or data belonging to BiblioTech or other users;
  • Making any loud or unreasonable noise, or other disturbance, including disruptive use of personal entertainment devices; 
  • Tampering with filtering or software; 
  • Using the library card number of another person, including a relative, to access the computer system; 
  • Hacking into the computer systems; 
  • Manipulating BiblioTech computer systems to override established time limits; 
  • Refusing to leave a computer after being suspended from computers, or continuing to create a disturbance while using BiblioTech equipment.

Violations may result in the loss of Internet and/or library privileges. Illegal use of the computers also may be subject to prosecution by local, state or federal authorities.

Download a PDF copy of the BiblioTech Internet and Computer Use Policies:  

Library Policies

BiblioTech Code of Conduct

BiblioTech endeavors to provide a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for collaborative and individual study, learning and recreation. To accomplish this purpose, all patrons who enter BiblioTech agree to abide by the following Code of Conduct, designed to foster an atmosphere of mutual respect and courtesy for all.

BiblioTech Patrons and Staff will:

  • Obey all federal, state, and local laws including, but not limited to, those pertaining to the possession or use of weapons, alcohol and controlled substances
  • Comply with all library policies including, but not limited to, those pertaining to food and drink, noise and disruptive behavior, and acceptable personal hygiene
  • Use computers, online resources, and all other library technology within BiblioTech policy
  • Present valid identification to library staff upon request
  • Treat all library users and staff with dignity and respect

Registering for a Library Card

BiblioTech offers an array of valuable resources and electronic devices for its members free of charge. Registration can be completed online or at any of our branch locations. To qualify for a BiblioTech membership card you must be either:

  • A resident of Bexar County
  • A non-resident payer of property taxes of Bexar County or their dependents
  • An employee of Bexar County

Each eligible BiblioTech user shall provide the library with his/her full name, current address and date of birth, as well as either an email address or cell phone number with cell phone carrier. Additional information may be requested to verify the identity of the user and allow for communication between the user and the library. Access to the BiblioTech online collection and resources is granted upon submission of the online registration form. To check out a device at a BiblioTech location, the user will need to provide proof of current address (e.g. government issued ID, driver's license, apartment lease, phone bill, utility bill, passport) to BiblioTech personnel. We collect only the information we need to verify your Bexar County residency and communicate with you as you use our resources. We value and respect your privacy and all information is confidential.

Your BiblioTech library card number is exclusively for use at the BiblioTech digital library, to access your patron account online or when using resources provided by BiblioTech. This card will remain valid for 5 years, at which time the account will need to be renewed through confirmation of user information. The signature of a parent/guardian is required if the applicant is under 16 years of age, and the parent/guardian will be asked to sign the user agreement associated with the child’s account. Adult members and parents/guardians will be held responsible for the child’s fines, overdue items, or the damage of items owned by the BiblioTech. Each BiblioTech user shall be responsible for all use of his/her card. If the card is lost or stolen, please report the lost/stolen card to a BiblioTech Employee immediately. The user is responsible for all charges against it until the loss is reported. A new card and card number will be issued on-site at the BiblioTech upon request.

Devices Available for Checkout

  • Adult eReaders
  • Children's eReaders
  • Wireless Hotspots
  • Tablets for the visually impaired

Devices Available for In-Library Use

  • Tablets
  • Laptops
  • Headphones

Devices that are available for checkout and in-library use can be found at the information desk. More information about these devices can be found online. Devices can be checked-in/returned to library staff at the information desk. Users may be asked to wait while the device is checked to ensure all equipment is intact and in good working condition. Children under the age of 16 must have a parent/guardian check-out the device for them, and the adult must be present during use.

Borrowing Library Materials

Loan Periods

Adult Tablets – 21 Day checkout

Children's Tablets – 21 day checkout

Wireless Hotspots – 21 Day checkout, 1 per household

Apple iPad – 1 hour in-house checkout

Apple MacBook Pro – 1 hour in-house checkout

  • Patrons over the age of 18 may checkout 2 devices at a time (2 tablets or 1 tablet and 1 hotspot).
  • Patrons ages 16-18 may checkout 1 device at a time.
  • Tablets and Wifi devices have a 2-week grace period between checkouts.
  • Patrons 16 & up may checkout 1 in-house device (laptops or iPad) at a time.
  • In-house devices may be renewed once, in person, if there is not a waiting list for the item.
  • The children's tablets are preloaded. Users will not be able to download additional library books or other material to these devices.
  • Patrons 16 & up may checkout 1 in-house device at a time.

Wait List/Reserving Items

When all copies of a book are checked-out, users will have the option to be added to the Wait List for that particular book. Users may also ask at the information desk to be added to a Wait List for the Adult and Children's Tablets and hotspots, should all of these devices be checked out. To reserve a tablet or hotspot, the patron must not have one checked out to them currently. Additionally, for hotspots, no one in the patron's household can have one currently checked out.

  • 5 additional ebooks and one tablet or hotspots per user may be placed on a Wait List. When these items become available, notifications will be sent via the preferred method of communication as indicated by the user.
  • Once the user has received notification that an item on their Wait List is available, the user will have 3 days to checkout the ebook or physical item.

Users are encouraged to return/check-in materials when they are finished with them, even if they are not yet due, so that other users can have access to these materials.

Suggested Items

By suggesting a book in cloudLibrary, the user communicates an interest in adding this item to the library collection. If the item is subsequently purchased, the patron will receive a notification based on preferences and will have 3 days to checkout the item.

Returning Library Materials

All devices, including tablets, hotspots, and equipment used within the library, must be returned to the BiblioTech information desk by the day and time that they are due. 

  • A grace period of 6 days is allowed for tablets and hotspots before late fines will accrue.
  • All ebooks will automatically be removed from the tablets on the due date.
  • In-library use devices should be returned before the date and hour that they are due. Late fines will begin to accrue immediately.

Internet & Computer Use

BiblioTech provides access to the Internet as a means to enhance the information and learning opportunities for the citizens of Bexar County. BiblioTech has established this policy to ensure appropriate and effective use of the BiblioTech resources. Internet access is available to all patrons; however, this service may be restricted at any time for use not consistent with BiblioTech guidelines. Parents of minor children assume responsibility for their children's use of the library's Internet service. Upon log-in, users will be asked to read and accept the computer use policy. Prior to accessing the Internet (either via a wireless connection or through BiblioTech computers), users will be asked to read and accept the Internet use policy. Access to either the public computers or the Internet will be denied unless the rules and regulations stated in the policies are accepted.

All users must sign-in electronically before using a public computer. This will either place the user on a waiting list or allow them to begin their computer session. Some computers may not be available for public use if otherwise reserved for use by a BiblioTech class.

Internet access is available to non-members through one of two ways:

  1. Wireless internet access is available to those that have their own electronic devices, or those who have checked out a BiblioTech in-house device.
  2. Guest access is available on the public desktops. Guests can receive login information at the information desk.

The code of conduct, public computer use policies and internet policies apply to all users. Users should be aware that inappropriate use of electronic information resources can be a violation of local, state, and federal laws and can lead to prosecution. To learn more about copyright and copyright law violations, visit the American Library Association webpage on copyright laws, as well as ALA's resource page on useful tools for understanding copyright,

The user will be held responsible for his/her actions using the Internet. Users are expected to abide by the BiblioTech Internet & Computer Use Policy which includes generally accepted rules of network etiquette. The BiblioTech internet has a web filtering system to block access to sites that may be deemed inappropriate in a public location. Unacceptable uses of the service will result in:

  • Verbal warning with written note added to user record
  • Temporary suspension of internet and public computer/on-site electronic device privileges
  • Permanent suspension of internet and public computer/on-site electronic device privileges 

The complete Internet & Computer Use Policy is available online or at the library circulation desk upon request.

Time Limit for Desktop, Tablet, and Laptop Use

All devices that are available for in-library use, including desktops, tablets, and laptops, are available to library card users for 60 minutes per session and two sessions per day. At the end of the initial 60 minute session, users may be placed on an electronic wait list. If there are no other users on the wait list, users will be allowed access for another 60 minutes. At the discretion of the manager-on-duty, patrons may be granted more time in a given day.

Fines & Charges

As stated in the Lending section of this policy, electronic devices may be checked out for 21 days. The user is allowed a grace period to return the item, after which the item will be overdue. A maximum fine of $14 will be charged.

Charges for the device are determined based on the cost to replace the device.

Devices Price List


Checkout Period



Replacement Fee

iPad (regular)

60 minutes




iPad (ADA)

Up to six weeks





3 weeks




Macbook Pro

60 minutes




Lenovo Tab (tablet)

3 weeks




WiFi Hotspots (includes replacement charger)

3 weeks





3 weeks




Playaway Launchpad

3 weeks




Chromebook Charger

3 weeks




All Other Chargers 

3 weeks




Reminder Notice

A reminder to return devices will go out the day before the device is due, based on the preferred method of communication as selected by the user.

Overdue Notices

Overdue notices will be sent out detailing overdue items via the preferred method of communication as selected by the user after the item is 5 days, 15 days and 30 days overdue. These notices will remind the user that the item is overdue and, after the first notices, alerts patrons that they have a fine. After the item is 6 days overdue, a fine of $14 will be added to the patron account and the patron will not be able to checkout any additional items. After the item is 60 days overdue, a Bill notice for the full replacement cost of the item will be sent out and the item will be marked “Lost.” Users may contact BiblioTech to arrange a payment plan, if necessary. If the item is returned in good working order, the replacement cost will be reversed and fines may be waived at the discretion of the manager-on-duty, based on the circumstances.

Damages & Liability

The user agrees to assume any and all legal liability for the cost of repair or replacement in the event of loss due to theft, damage, negligence or misuse. BiblioTech does not assume responsibility for lost files. Any laptop or equipment malfunctions should be reported immediately to library staff. The library cannot assure that data or files downloaded by users are virus-free. The library is not responsible for damages to equipment or data on a user's personal computer from the use of data downloaded from the library's Internet service. The use of the Internet and email is not guaranteed to be private. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities will be reported to the proper authorities. By registering for a library card, the user must agree to the terms of this policy.

User Code of Conduct

It is the responsibility of the user to maintain necessary and proper standards of behavior in order to protect his/her individual rights and the rights and privileges of other BiblioTech users. Disruptive behavior, or that which interferes with the experience of the other BiblioTech users will not be tolerated. The user will be contacted by BiblioTech staff concerning this behavior. If the disruptive behavior continues the user may be temporarily restricted from BiblioTech and from the use of the library services and materials.

Users under the age of 10

BiblioTech encourages visits by young children and it is our desire to make this important visit enjoyable for the child. BiblioTech staff members are not expected to assume responsibility for the care of unsupervised children in the library; therefore, it is library policy that all children under age 10 must be accompanied by a parent or designated responsible adult while in the building. If the young child is attending a library program, we require the parent/responsible adult to remain in the library throughout the program.

Users between the ages of 10-16

Users between the ages of 10-16 are not required to be accompanied by a parent/guardian, but the signature of the parent/guardian is still required during the membership registration process in order for the user to receive a library card and have access to library services and materials. We ask that parents/guardians also include a phone number that the BiblioTech may use to contact the parent in the case of an emergency or policy violation. Children of all ages are encouraged to use the library for homework, recreational reading, and program attendance. The library staff welcomes the enthusiasm children bring to the library environment and recognizes that children occasionally need to be reminded of appropriate noise levels and behavior. Children (whether or not accompanied by an adult) who are being continually disruptive will be given a warning that he/she must settle down or will be asked to leave the library. If after a second warning the child continues to be disruptive, he/she will be asked to leave the library. If the child needs to contact a parent, they may do so and wait with a staff person until the parent arrives.

Food & Drink

Eating and drinking is only allowed in the BiblioTech community rooms, café and lounge areas. Lids are required for containers holding liquids. Only capped water bottles are allowed at the computer stations.

Volunteering at BiblioTech

We encourage individuals and groups to volunteer their time in assisting with BiblioTech programs, such as technology classes and community outreach projects. Please see library staff if you or your group is interested in volunteering.

BiblioTech Rules of Use and Suspension Policy

BiblioTech Rules of Use and Suspension Policy

In order to provide and maintain a welcoming and safe environment for all patrons and library staff, BiblioTech has adopted a Rules of Use Policy, detailed below.

Violation of BiblioTech’s Rules of Use Policy may warrant a suspension of library branch privileges. Suspension of library branch privileges will result in removal from, and denial of access to, all BiblioTech library facilities for a designated period of time.

Rules of Use Policy and Suspension Procedures

In order to be fair and equitable in the application of the BiblioTech Rules of Use and to provide documentation of the enforcement of these guidelines, authorized library staff members shall apply the following procedures:


The following are significant violations of the BiblioTech Rules of Use that will result in immediate suspension of library privileges:

  • Committing or attempting to commit any activity that would constitute a crime or a violation of federal, state or local law.
  • Selling, distributing or using any dangerous weapon upon the BiblioTech premises, or using or threatening the use of any other object in such a manner that it may be considered a weapon.
  • Engaging in any physically intimidating or assaultive behavior; making any threats of violence or unlawful activities toward library staff or other library patrons; using threatening language.
  • Engaging in any sexual contact, activities or conduct.
  • Bringing dangerous substances on the premises.

Authorized library staff will instruct anyone displaying these behaviors to leave the library facility immediately. Police may be called and additional legal action may occur, as appropriate. Per the BiblioTech policy, these significant violations will result in a year-long suspension from all BiblioTech library facilities.


The following are significant disruptive behaviors that will result in immediate suspension of library privileges, but will not cause long-term suspensions.

  • Emitting strong pervasive odors.
  • Bringing in items that occupy floor space large enough to be an obstruction.
  • Dressing inappropriately for a public building.
  • Bringing any animal into the library except service animals or animals used for educational purposes as part of a pre-approved library program.
  • Leaving an animal tethered and unattended on the BiblioTech premises.
  • Bringing bicycles or other similar devices inside library buildings.


In addition to the significant violations that result in immediate suspension of library privileges, any behavior that interferes with the reasonable use and operations of BiblioTech is not permitted. Violators will be made aware of the violation and will be asked to change behavior. Failure to heed staff’s warning may result in immediate suspension of BiblioTech privileges. Continued disruptive behavior violations may result in longer suspensions. Generally, the library shall follow the following process:

  1. Initial Warning: A staff member will attempt to communicate with the patron to resolve the immediate disruption, and, if possible, will provide the patron a copy of these Rules of Use. The patron will be told that continued violations may result in suspension of library privileges for a day or longer.
  2. Continued disruption (same or different day): Library privileges will be suspended for the day by an authorized staff member and the patron will be asked to leave the library building. Library patrons who feel the treatment is unfair will be offered the [email protected] email address so that they may communicate their concerns.
  3. Third disruption: Longer than one-day suspensions will be issued if a patron continues to display disruptive behavior after receiving a one-day suspension. If disruptive behavior continues a patron may be suspended for a minimum of seven days and a maximum of one year. Any suspension longer than seven days will be issued in a minimum of one-month increments.


One-Day Suspensions: When a decision is made to suspend a patron for one-day, authorized staff shall inform the patron being suspended. Authorized library staff will also complete a One-Day Suspension Report form. A copy of the completed document and all accompanying forms will be provided to the patron.

Seven-Day Suspensions: When a decision is made to suspend a patron for seven days or more, authorized staff shall inform the patron being suspended. Authorized library staff will also complete a BiblioTech One-Week Suspension Report form. A copy of the completed document and all accompanying forms will be provided to the patron. A patron will receive only one seven-day suspension for disruptive behavior. Any further suspensions for disruptive behavior will be for one or more months. The patron will not be offered a formal hearing process for seven-day suspensions; there is no appeal process for seven-day suspensions. However, individuals given seven-day suspensions will be given the name and phone number of the BiblioTech Director or designee so that they may communicate any concerns by telephone.

Suspensions One to Six Months in Length: For suspensions from one to six months in length, authorized staff shall complete the Notice of BiblioTech Suspension. A copy of the completed document and all accompanying forms will be provided to the patron. Authorized library staff will also complete a One-to-Six Month Suspension Report Form. Any patron suspended for one to six months has the right to a hearing with the Suspension Hearing Panel. The Suspension Hearing Panel will be comprised of the BiblioTech librarians. Library staff or patrons that were witnesses to the event may also be asked to appear. To receive a hearing the patron must follow the directions on the Notice of BiblioTech Suspension. The decision of the Suspension Hearing Panel for all one to six month suspensions is final.

Suspensions One Year in Length: If a decision is made to suspend a patron for a year, the BiblioTech Director or designee will complete a Notice of BiblioTech Suspension. A copy of the document and accompanying forms shall be provided to the patron. Authorized library staff will also complete a One-Year Suspension Report Form. Any patron suspended for more than six months has the right to a hearing with the extensive Suspension Hearing Panel. This panel will be comprised of the BiblioTech Director and at least one other Bexar County official. Library staff or patrons who were witnesses to the event may also be asked to appear. To receive a hearing the patron must follow the directions on the BiblioTech Notice of Suspension. The decision of the panel will be final.