Did you know there is an election coming up? That's right! And it's a local election, which has the most impact on our lives right here in Bexar County. And yet, turnout for the 2019 municipal elections in San Antonio was only 11 percent. We can do better!
On this page, we've attached some downloadable information courtesy of the League of Women Voters of the San Antonio Area. We also have printed information from LWVSA you can pick up at each of our BiblioTech Public Library Branch Locations.
Are you curious about what will be on your ballot? Those who live within the city limits will be voting for mayor, as well as city council representatives. There are also two important propositions up for vote and many school board elections. Check out the Vote411 website, where you can enter your address and see your full ballot and information about the candidates. You can also use the tools provided in the LWVSA Voter Toolbox to learn more.
Additionally, the LWVSA is also hosting recorded candidate forums for you to learn more about those running for office.
Some important deadlines:
- April 1 - Must register to vote by this date (postmark)
- April 20 - Application to vote by mail must be delivered by this date
- May 1 by 7pm - Mail-in Ballot must be completed and turned in
Early voting starts April 19 and goes through April 27. You can vote at any polling location during early voting or on Election Day, which is May 1. Visit elections.bexar.org or call 210-335-8683 to confirm locations, hours, and availability of accessible accommodations at any given polling place.
Download more information below and be sure to vote!